Monday, December 14, 2009

Show Names?

So I know my hounds had race names.  They're awful.

Little Bit Lively AKA Kibeth
Phoney Jonie AKA JoJo

I want their names to have something to do with wishes (hence the title of this blog) but I'm not sure what to do.  I'm considering:

  • Wish Granted
  • Granting Wishes
  • Greatest Wish
  • Wishful Pursuit
  • Last Wish
  • Final Wish
  • Vivace's Wish (for Kibeth, since vivace in Italian means lively)
  • Make A Wish
  • Wish Again (always)
  • Always Wishing
  • Wish For Love (yes, I do)
  • Wish For Joy (for JoJo) or Joyful Wishing
  • Wish For Freedom (3rd wish from a Genie, idk)
  • Wishful Thinking (also for JoJo, haha =P )
  • Wishing On A Star
  • Wishes Do Come True or
  • Wish Come True
  • Secret Wish
  • Dreams & Wishes
  • Hopes & Wishes
  • My Wish
  • Dying Wish
Maybe vote?  Just comment, plz.

Edit:  JoJo's show name is decided! Wishful Thinking TM


  1. Sometimes a theasurus (msp?) is helpful. Sometimes I want the name to mean XYZ, but I'm not sure how to say it... so sometimes a theasurus helps me play with words.

  2. Ooooh, a Thesaurus is indeed a great idea! Do you like any of those?

  3. I like Wishful Thinking best. I like the sound of "Wishful"..... now to break out the Thesaurus for some other words to go with it.

  4. Thanks! I'm decided on that for JoJo. Training a 6 year old greyhound to compete in obedience, rally-obedience, agility, and train to be my service dog with very little prior training is...

    Wishful thinking indeed. ;-)

    For Kibeth, I'm going back and forth between First Wish, Wish Granted, and Vivace's Wish.

  5. Oh, and your next one could be "Never Just Wishful Thinking". THAT is cute.

  6. Tasha, you might consider adding your initials in front of their names so they don't get kicked back when you register them :)

  7. I like Wish(es) Granted for Kibby. You were so happy when you finally got her that it seems sort of fitting.
